Friday, March 30, 2012

Miter Box

Hello All,
  Part of the 4th lesson in the Hand Tool School is groves. Groves are basically dados with the grain of the wood. The project that goes with this lesson is a miter box. I was really dreading this this project because of the accuracy involved in making sure the the saw guide cuts are square and true also I didn't have a good square with a 45 degree edge. So, I made one out of a scrap wood. The box was put together in a day and let the glue dry over night. The next day I flushed up all the edges and cross beams made the guide cuts the it work out great. Width and depth are a bit small for the saw I plan to use it for. The project was a great confidence builder. I am really happy with it and I'm sure it will see some use.

Thanks for Reading

Thursday, March 29, 2012

A little box

Hello all
      After I received my plane order I made a small box to hold my router plane and its parts out of some cedar fencing cutoffs I had laying around. My better half just loved it for some reason she even joked about stealing it. So with some of the extra figured maple I made her a little keep sake box for her.
Thanks for reading

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Back from the the lumber dealer

Hello All,
     Well yesterday I went to the lumber dealer here in Yakima, WA. There are a couple here in town I have been to all but one. I went the the new shop attached to American Cabinet Door (they really have no web presents). I like them for two reasons 1. they are very close to where I live 2. they are trying to be the high end dealer in town. They are carrying Festool power tools and carry quite possibly the biggest collection of router bits in the area. As far as their selection of wood it's great with a good verity but not a huge quantity of each.
What I got:
9BF of 4/4 6" wide poplar at $2.15 a BF
2BF of 8/4 10" wide poplar at $2.48 a BF
1 1/2BF of 2 1/2" wide walnut at $9.05 a BF
4/4 3" wide by 10' long piece of figured maple for $20.
If you know if these prices are out of line please let me know I'am new to all this Hard Wood.
    The reason for the hard wood is to complete the next 3 projects in the Hand Tool School. A Miter box, a miter shooting board (also a square shooting board that I'm adding to the projects), and a English Square. I have rough cut the lumber and stickered it to acclimate to the shop. In two weeks Ill start on the miter box which I'm dreading cuse of the high degree of accuracy I want to get out of it.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Restored Jointer Plane

Finally finished restoring a Union Jointer. The sole is dead flat and has a nice thick blade. Under the tote there is a 75 1/2.
Thanks for reading

New Planes

Last week I finally received my order from Lee Valley. A Low angle bevel up smooth plane and router plane with a full set of blades.  I am very pleased with their performance.

Thanks for reading

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Blog Post Transferred From LumberJocks #4

Large Jointer Restored

origanlly posted about 9/6/11

before pics are in a prior post, a light sanding and rust removal some painting of metal part. a good coat of boiled linseed oil and some wax on the wood body. Now She is working like a dream.

Blog Post Transferred From LumberJocks #3

last weekends Finds
origanlly posted about 11/6/11 

A nice little Stanley Bull nose plane, large Disston Miter Back Saw, 16 inch Disston back saw, and a 12 inch Back saw.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Blog Post Transferred From LumberJocks #2

This Mornings Estate Sale Finds
origanlly posted about 9/6/11
The marking on the blade says FULTON TOOL CO WARRANTED and is just over 2 1/2 inches wide. The plane its self is 26”x 3 1/4”. Would be great if some one could give me some info and direct me to get more info on it.
Thanks for Looking.
some additional picts

Blog Post Transferred From LumberJocks

Stanley Block Plane #9 1/4
origanlly posted about 9/5/11

Here is a Stanley Block Plane I just finished restoring i think it is a #9 1/4. blade marking say Stanley Rule & Level So Im thinking its some here between 80 to 100 years old and is now set up for another life time. If you have any questions or comments please comment.
P.S. i also have 2 Stanley bench planes im working on and a Stanley No. 192 that i should be posting in the next couple of weeks.